HAPPY EARTH DAY! I hope you take the time to make the world a little brighter today - pick up trash, plant some seeds, recycle something, or even resist purchasing something that will add to the trash pile.
Igamsi to all who participated in our upcycling contest! A special thanks to Katirvik Cultural Center for allowing us to host our crafting event in Nome and to Christina Brancaleone with BSSD and with Tiffany Rookok Savoonga Igap tribal environmental coordinator for hosting an awesome event in Savoonga!
A hearty congratulations to our winners this year:
Category Ages 16+
1st: Melody Olanna 17
2nd: Heather Conner 26
Honorable Mention: Haley Olanna Kaleak
Category Ages 10-15
1st: Tory Olanna
2nd: Keira Smyth
Honorable Mention: Mamlek Kiyuklook
Category Ages 6-9
1st: Ivory Noogwook
2nd: Elizabeth Phan
Honorable Mention: Aliyah Hensely
Winners can pick up their prizes on Monday if in Nome. Outside of Nome your prize will be mailed to you!
Original source can be found here.