Due to current weather conditions please take extreme caution while traveling on snowmachine or fourwheeler. There are still open spots in rivers, sloughs, lakes and the Kotzebue Sound.
Winter Trails season has started with overland trail staking happening. No ice, river or lake trails have been staked as of Today, November 16th due to poor ice conditions and weather.
Please make travel plans with family or friends prior to traveling. Plans should include your intended travel route, what items you have with you, how much gas/oil you have with you, if you plan on stopping anywhere along the way and current working phone numbers for yourself and your emergency contact.
If you’d like to file a trip plan please call the on-call Search and Rescue Coordinator during normal business hours at 907-412-2038
If you’d like to report any overdue travelers please call the on-call Search and Rescue Coordinator at 907-412-2038
Original source found here.