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John Apangalook School issued the following announcement on March 21.
The dog developed symptoms March 11th; it was put down that day & submitted for testing. It was a stray, 20-30lbs, black/white/tan color.
We are looking for anyone between March 1st-11th that may have been exposed:
Ø Bitten or scratched by this dog.
Ø Licked by this dog on eyes, mouth, or on open wounds.
**If exposed to this dog between March 1-11, notify the Gambell Clinic immediately.**
Guidelines for everyone:
· Unvaccinated dogs that were exposed should be put down immediately.
· Loose dogs without a current vaccination should be put down immediately.
· Vaccinated dogs that were exposed need to be revaccinated & tied up for 45 days.
· Report all animal bites to the Clinic.
· If a dog or other animal is acting unusual, contact the VPO immediately.
Contact information:
Gambell Clinic………………………….……….907-985-3311
NSHC-OEH……..……………………….………907-434-0543 (Racheal Lee)
Alaska Section of Epidemiology………………...907-269-8000
Original source can be found here.